LTC Logistics was established in 1945 as an international freight forwarder located in the vicinity of Beirut Port. The company employs highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in the International Shipping Sector. 1995 was a milestone for LTC, when it was decided to expand the business by building an Air and Sea freight Traffic network with…

Mindset is KEY!

Adopting an outward positive mindset will pave the way for endless success and prosperity. The majority of us go through life with a sole aim to get the best out of it…..for ourselves! But ultimately, getting the best out of life means getting the best out of people. Simply because we spend the majority of…

#WeDareHer – Its about time our females take the lead!

[cs_custom_heading text=”The PURPOSE” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:left”] Viral has a great deal of social responsibility imprinted in its corporate DNA. This sense of social responsibility compels us to allocate a percentage of our team efforts into the noble cause of “Women Empowerment”. WHY? Because our country, and region, are in a desperate need to unlock the female potential…